FLF - 2024 Carolina Youth Power Fund Mini Grant Application

1 Start 2 Application 3 Complete

Application Requirements

  • The project must be led by young people between the ages of 13-25.
  • The project must be led by people directly impacted by the issue(s) - particularly Black, Muslim, immigrant, and/or LGBTQ youth.
  • The applicant should request no more than $1000.
  • The application must demonstrate that the project will empower young people with the skills and resources to engage with one or more critical issues in the state.

Note: This fund cannot be used for activities that endorse electoral candidates or promote engagement in direct lobbying of elected officials for legislative changes. All proposals must be 501c3 compliant.

Application Priorities

  • Priority to rapid response efforts that tackles issues relevant to young people.
  • Rapid Response: responding to a new incident of hate, violence, or regressive policy in our schools, communities, and/or workplaces.
  • Priority will be given to groups with limited access to traditional non-profit funding streams.

Respond yes or no to the following statements to verify that your application fits the requirements of the Carolina Youth Power Fund.

Application - Part 1