Support the South Carolina Housing Justice Network


We are a grassroots organization of working class tenants with a focus on disproportionately Black, working class tenants  in a state with one of the highest eviction rates in the country. We believe housing, healthcare, and a living wage are human rights. 

We first came together during the pandemic to support tenants in organizing against evictions, foreclosures, utility shut-offs and other inhumane living conditions. 

Now, we work to push back against and transform the systems that force people into poverty and homelessness. through mutual aid, political education,  and basebuilding,  we seek to build power that will increase tenant rights on a local, state, and federal level. 

 Make a one-time solidarity gift or become a monthly sustainer to support housing justice and tenant power in South Carolina. Your donation goes towards stipending tenant leaders, gas cards & childcare for events, travel across the state and to Washington D.C, and staff salaries. Housing is a human right!  


Contribution Amount
Other Amount $
Total Amount
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Stay in touch with the SC Housing Justice Network