#NoCap - Fellowship Application

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Hey y'all!! We are getting ready to kick-off our annual HBCU NoCap Fall fellowship program. We are excited that you chose to apply. We are looking forward to our weekly sessions that will begin in September!

Weekly Trainings: Every Thursday evening after our opening meeting (excluding holidays and break weeks)

This year we will be focusing on community building, care in community, and strategically using civic engagement as a tool for freedom.

The 5 ideas below are some of the ways we seek to live out that purpose!

1.) Finding creative ways to build community power
2.) Learning the ideas of community organizing and skills to help you get started
3.) Learning about the connections between research, art, activism, and organizing. Putting your particular skillset to work!!
4.) Building relationships with HBCU students across the south
5.) Engaging tools of civic engagement, radical organizing, and artistic expression

This fellowship is supported by a stipend of $1,400. Join the NoCap Team by applying below!

What is NoCap and what will we be doing this fall?
We are a youth-led organization accountable to our communities and committed to supporting black and brown people to build our power. The 5 ideas below are some of the ways we seek to live out that purpose!

1) Finding creative ways to build community power
2) Learning the purpose of community organizing and skills to help you get started
3) Learning about the connection between research and activism. Putting your particular skillset to work!!
4) We teach the history of HBCUs in a creative peer-based weekly activity
5) Our fellows believe in the power of civic engagement and direct action

This internship is supported by a stipend because we believe that your time is valuable and understand the economic pressures faced by youth and students. This is part of the reason we advocate for the cancellation of student debt!! Join the NoCap Team by applying below.

Your Info
Application Questions